tree nursery trees in pots 500x500

Bridle Road Allotment Tree nursery 

We have a small tree nursery at Bridle Road Allotment. Here we care for very young trees so that there is ready stock for tree planting projects. There are several hundred trees in pots at the nursery.

We partner with Surrey County Council and Epsom and Ewell Borough Council to plant more street trees, and we also partner with local communities to plant on community land and in parks. Our overall aim is to get trees in the ground.

Street trees for Epsom and Ewell: In 2021 Surrey County Council planted a total of only 10 street trees. Sadly this is not enough to replace those we lose every year to disease or for other reasons. EETAB partners with SCC and Epsom and Ewell council to safeguard the Borough’s trees. Happily we anticipate a more successful 22/23 planting season.

Wallace Fields Junior school : Wallace Fields Junior school have been very supportive of tree planting for future generations. In early 2022 we planted 30 trees in their grounds.

Long Grove We are working with the Borough for permission to plant a small copse of trees in the Long Grove park area.

Labelling trees in Shadbolt Park : Shadbolt Park is an arboretum originally developed by Ernest Shadbolt (see Ernest Shadbolt and his Park). Some of the trees here were mapped online in a tree survey using the app Curioxyz . This app uses community based information to map local trees. There is another similar app which is used for trees in London, which funnily enough is called London street trees.

Contact us if you have an idea for a tree related project.

Updated January 2023