Interested? Here are some ways to get involved.
Water a young tree
Newly planted street trees require generous amounts of water during the first few years of life in the ground, especially during summer. If you spot a “water me” sign on a newly planted tree in your area please help it survive by giving it a few litres of water twice a week during summer
Plant trees in your community or organisation garden
Could your community or organisation garden space benefit from one or a few trees? We can give advice or support with plantings in public areas.
Apply for a street tree to be planted outside your property
Did you know residents or organisations in Surrey can apply for trees to be planted outside their property or on local highway verge? Criteria apply. Find out more here
Not enough street trees in your area?
Your local councillors like to know what makes residents happy. Let them know!
Want to do more? Have an idea for a local project? DM us on facebook , email or follow us for updates when volunteers for tree planting are needed.