Epsom & Ewell tree advisory board


Epsom & Ewell Tree Advisory Board (EETAB) is the Surrey Tree Warden Group for Epsom and Ewell

Any individual with an interest in trees is welcome to attend meetings and become involved in the activities of the group.

Latest EETAB tree news

  • Notable trees 30@30 Epsom and Ewell

    EETAB’s 30th Anniversary 30@30 Epsom and Ewell’s Notable Trees

    EETAB was founded 30 years ago. To mark this anniversary, EETAB is aiming to identify 30 notable trees in the borough and to create a tree map/walk/cycle route based around them, ideally based around/linked to the Round the Borough Hike and Bike route – see www.epsom-ewell.gov.uk/RBHB.

    We need your help to do this, by letting us know your favourite trees!

    They need not be champion trees, just the best or favourite in that spot. Ideally we would like to add a story/pictures/other items about why the tree is of interest and matters to you. If there is a tree which you think should be recognised and others in the borough would be interested to know more about, please let us know at epsomandewelltab@gmail.com.

    Ideally please include pictures and a story or explanation of why the tree is notable to you, and a “What-three-words” (W3W) reference for the location.

    Here are some example nominations:

    1. w3w.co/tips.worked.perky – Catalpa bignonoides – Indian Bean tree, Rosebery Park. This was originally one of an identical pair, with another a bit closer to the playground. That one came down in a storm (possibly the Great Storm of 1987) – it was simply pushed over, uprooted.
      It would be nice to try to get a new one planted to provide ‘succession’ as the remaining Indian Bean tree must be in its latter years.
    2. w3w.co/loft.pizza.debate – Morus alba – White Mulberry, Mounthill Gardens.

    Please send your ideas to epsomandewelltab@gmail.com or comment on our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/EpsomEwellTreeAdvisoryBoard. We look forward to receiving your suggestions!

Next event

Founded in 1994, the Epsom & Ewell Tree Advisory Board (EETAB) is a partnership of environmentally-minded volunteers from the local community working together to safeguard and promote the value of trees in the borough. Our aim is ensure that we pass on to future generations a borough that is at least as leafy as the one we have inherited.

Contact us, follow us on Facebook or email epsomandewelltab@gmail.com

Do you love trees? Want to see pleasant tree-lined residential neighbourhoods? Support tree planting in the borough?

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If you would like to keep updated on tree related matters in Epsom and Ewell, volunteer, or have questions and/or project ideas, please let us know by emailing epsomandewelltab@gmail.com. By submitting your email, you agree to receive occasional updates from EETAB. You may unsubscribe at any time. View the Privacy Policy

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