We all value living in a green, leafy borough with plenty of trees. The benefits of trees are numerous: they provide shade, filter pollutants from the air to reduce pollution, boost our mental health, sequester carbon, produce oxygen for us to breathe and are vital for biodiversity; providing a home, food, and shelter for numerous species. Studies have even shown that the presence of trees can increase house prices too. It is therefore critically important that we protect and care for the trees in our borough.

Recreation Ground
Older, well-established trees can manage without additional watering in hot dry weather as they are able to find their own water, however it is recommended that newly planted trees are given 50 litres of water per week during the summer months. It is vital that they are watered regularly during hot, dry weather for the first three years after planting in order for them to become established and thr ive.

waters a tree on the
journey to and from
work, using a collection
of bottles
Due to the dry weather we’re currently experiencing, many of the recently planted trees in our borough are incredibly stressed and without regular watering these trees will not survive. The Epsom and Ewell Tree Advisory Board (EETAB) is a local group of tree volunteers who, amongst other activities, work hard to protect and care for existing trees in our borough. During the summer, EETAB coordinate a team of Tree Champion volunteers to help with watering newly planted trees in the area. Ideally for street trees, the Tree Champions will be the owners of neighbouring properties who can easily water the trees regularly, however some of the trees are not on residential streets and require volunteers to travel with water containers by bike, wheelbarrow, car or whatever transportation method is available!
We desperately need your help now to help water the young trees in the borough, so please sign up to be a Tree Champion and help nurture a recently planted tree in your local area or a tree you pass regularly. 50 litres of water is a lot to get to each tree each week, so the more volunteers involved, the easier the task will be.
To find out more about becoming a Tree Champion please contact Epsom and Ewell Tree Advisory Board at epsomandewelltab@gmail.com.